Meet Our Crew Members


The engineer is in control of the speed and direction of the train, and he blows the whistle. The engineer needs to be familiar with the route, knowing how fast or slow the train needs to be going at certain points along the route to successfully bring the train to its destination. Along with other crew members, the engineer watches both the train and the track ahead for any signs of danger, such as a fallen tree. The engineer remains in the cab of the engine during the train ride.


The fireman monitors the amount of fuel and water the engine is using. In the case of the 1880 Train, which burns used motor oil, the fireman uses the injector to add fuel to the fire. The amount of water in the engine is viewed using the water glass. The fireman needs to constantly watch both the steam pressure of the engine as well as the water level in the water glass. He also makes sure that there is enough steam for the engineer to use while climbing hills, which requires more steam pressure. The fireman is also responsible for watching both the train and the track ahead, and along with the engineer, the fireman always remains in the cab of the engine during the ride.


The conductor is in charge of everyone and everything on the train. The conductor remains onboard the train cars during the train ride. During the ride, he collects tickets, assists passengers and monitors the engine and train cars to make sure everything is operating correctly. The conductor also works with the engine crew to conduct running break tests en route, as well as connecting the engine to the train cars in station.


The brakeman also remains onboard the train during the train ride. During the ride, he assists passengers and other crew members and also monitors the engine and train cars. While in station, the brakeman sets and releases the hand brake on the train cars and assists with the boarding process and concessions.


The hosts are onboard the train and assist passengers, answer questions, sell concessions and also give a narration during the train ride. Hosts also assist with boarding and de-boarding the train.

High-Liner Eatery

Grab a fresh made meal from the High-Liner Eatery adjacent to our Hill City station—dine on the covered patio or take your meal onboard the train. Look for a selection of made-in-house wraps, salads, sandwiches, and sweets at either depot, all made fresh and designed to eat onboard the train. We are committed to sourcing at least 50% of our food as organic or locally grown!

Depot Gift Shop Staff

Gift Shop staff sell souvenirs and gifts to passengers and assist passengers with questions about the operation and make guest reservations.

Ticket & Reservation Agents

Agents reserve and sell train tickets and also help to answer questions passengers may have.

Maintenance Staff

Maintenance staff assists with boarding the train while it is in station, answer passenger questions and make sure the grounds and facilities are clean and well maintained.